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If you are not satisfied with the quality of our product, we will refund your money within 30 days.
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Our databases are updated every day, so you can be sure that you get only the most recent, verified and ready-to-use data.
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Our customers are satisfied with the quality of our products and they are happy to come back for more.
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With our databases available in the .csv file format, it is much easier to integrate them in your CRM and get started.
Datantify is a fresh, dynamically developing company from the USA.
We are the largest provider of high-quality databases in the world.
Our team counts more than 10 people due to well thought out automation and simplification of many processes, which allowed us to quickly develop our services (about a year from funding a company in September of 2018) using only bootstrapping.
Our team is working very hard to deliver the best databases on the market. That’s why we are sure of the highest quality of the data we are providing our customers with. And because of that our company and actions are so transparent – we have nothing to hide. Learn about our special secret and get to know the Datantify Alant 🤖 algorithm inside out.
Our target is to be like Google for database search, browse and buy. 🙉 And we think it works well because we have customers from more than 180 countries. 🙊
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